Thursday, June 3, 2010


On May 29th, Sarah and I went skydiving at Skydive Spaceland in Rosharon (just south of Houston).  We had an appointment at 10am so we arrived at 9:15.  After almost 8 hours of waiting and a weather hold, Sarah and I finally got in the plane at around 4:30.  Sarah was not scared at all but I was freaking out a little bit.  I felt like I was going to start crying on the plane ride up there.  We rode up to 14,000 feet, which is the altitude we jumped at.  There were 7 jumpers each with a tandem instructor and a videographer.  I was the 3rd person to jump and Sarah followed right after me.  The scariest part was the plane ride up and standing on the edge of the plane door.  My tandem guy told me to scream as i was jumping out to make me feel better.  After you are out of the plane, the fear leaves and it just feels like you are flying.  There is no feeling of your stomach dropping or anything, you are just sort of floating in mid-air.  The free fall is about 65 seconds and you are falling at 120 miles per hour.  At 6000 feet you pull the chute.   The free fall and the chute ride are completely different.  As soon as the chute is pulled, it is extremely quiet and you can talk to the guy behind you.  It took about 10 minutes or so to get down after the chute was pulled.  We helped steer the chute and he would pull down one side and we would go into a spin.  It was super fun and the landing was easy.  This was the best experience ever and we want to do it again really soon.  Dad said that he would come with us and so did some others (Megan Tucker included!)  So we are holding yall to it!  It was AMAZING!!!! Below are some pictures from diving!

boarding the plane
sarah jumping

me jumping (and screaming)

me and my tandem instructor free falling

sarah and her tandem instructor free falling


me right after i jumped out of the plane

sarah after she pulled the chute

me after i pulled the chute

I did it!!!

so did Sarah!!!


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