Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 17 - London to Edinburgh

So this morning we got to sleep in a little bit, which was nice.  We had some time before our train to Edinburgh, so we decided to go on a walk around London a bit.  We found this beautiful pedestrian bridge, which we walked across and it had the most beautiful view of Parliament and Big Ben and the London Eye (the ferris wheel).  For those of you who saw the last Harry Potter movie, this bridge was depicted in the opening scenes as the death eaters were terrorizing London...they made it break and fall.

Anyways, after our walk we got a cab to KING'S CROSS train station for our train to Edinburgh.  We had to go to the ticket counter to get our tickets, which we reserved online, however because dad made the reservations with his card and we didnt have it with us, they couldnt give us the tickets.  So we had to buy two more tickets, but they agreed to give us a refund for the first ones we purchased.

Most of you know King's Cross from Harry Potter, and yes, they have a platform 9 3/4!!  I asked the ticket guy where it was, and he said that everyone asks where it is.  It is SO cool!  It was down platform 8 and off to the side.  They have a sign and a luggage card that sticks out of the wall.  So we definitely took pictures by it!  I put my backpack on the cart and made it look like i was running through.  I know I am a nerd, but it was so cool!

So the train was really fancy.  we were in first class and they asked us if we wanted coffee or tea every 15 minutes.  The train also had wifi which was awesome.  most of the way I read, but when we started getting close I looked out the window and saw the beautiful scenery.  There were cliffs over the water and rolling hills.  I only wish I had my camera out so  I couldve taken pictures.  When we got to Edinburgh we got a taxi to our hotel, which is not close to any of the tourist sites, but it is very nice and quaint.

When we got there, we realized that we needed cash so we walked to an ATM, about 15 minutes away, and back.  We then went to dinner at this place called Maxies and it was so good!  All the locals go there because they use fresh veggies and ingredients grown locally.  After dinner we got a taxi back to the hotel and are just going to go to bed.  We hope everyone is well and we love you all.

I realize this is late and im sorry.  The pictures are not uploading, so I will post them asap!

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