Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 1 - Paris

We arrived in Paris at 9:30 this morning safely.  We checked into the hotel and we ate lunch close by and then walked around the Luxembourg gardens and St. Germain des Pres area.  We came back and passed out for a few hours then headed to dinner at our favorite spot - Les Deux Magots.  Afterwards we went to this irish pub in the Latin quarter and watched the Americans and the English play soccer.  Upset we didn't win, but at least we didn't lose.  On our way back to the hotel, we had a nutella banana crepe...mmmmm!  We are all exhausted and this day has felt like the longest day and we have to wake up early to go to the Loire Valley tomorrow, so we are off to bed.  Tomorrow I will update and add pictures.  Love and miss you all.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to love your updates! Can't wait until tomorrow!
