Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 4 - Beaune

Mom and I had breakfast with dad and sent him off to work and we are moving on the the next place without him.  We took the train from Paris to Beaune.  We had a stop along the way in Dijon.  Traveling on the train was easy and fun, the only problem was our large suitcases.  I could carry mine, but mom was having trouble and someone had to help her carry it upstairs.  Mom can say our hotel in french! wow...   anyways, we got a cab to our Hotel Le Cep in Beaune.

We put our stuff down and went walking around the town.  We ate at a little cafe and had some real french onion soup.  It was just onion soup and came with cheese and bread on the side, much more to my liking than back home.  Then we explored the town.  It is really quite small.  They gave us a map and it makes it look a lot bigger than it is.  The church here was build in the 15th century and I was really excited to see it, but they are doing renovations on it so we couldn't go inside.  I saw an arch on the way to our hotel and I wanted to find it again, so we walked around the town looking for it.  The arch ended up being on the perimeter on the other side of the town as if it was an old entranceway to Beaune.  It is so pretty here.

Now we are just drinking Tanqueray and Tonics and relaxing before we go and eat Beouf Bourgignone.   Tomorrow we have a wine tasting at 10, lunch, another wine tasting, and then a cheese tasting, so expect a fun posting tomorrow!  Hope all is well in the states!

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