Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 2 - Loire Valley

Today we took a tour to the Loire Valley to see three Chateaux.  First we saw Chenonceau (my personal favorite).  I had been to Chenonceau twice before this trip, but this was mom and dad's first time.The tower to the right is part of the original castle that was there before they tore it down to build this chateau, which they built over the river that runs through the area.  The front is being renovated, so you cant get the full effect of how beautiful this place is.

This is one of the more homey castles in the Loire Valley.  There were two big gardens that are beautiful, one of which was designed by Catherine de Medici, and there was a hedge maze!  The maze is pretty short so it defeats the purpose of finding your way through, but it is still fun.  We ate lunch in the village of Chenonceau  then moved on to the next chateau.

The next chateau was Cheverny.  I had not been here before.  People still live in this chateau and use tours as a way to pay for the upkeep of the place.  It still has the original 17th century furnishings in it and was extremely decorated on the inside.  In the back it had an Orangerie, which is essentially a greenhouse.  The grounds were not as pretty as Chenonceau.  We had some pistachio ice cream there with big chunks of pistachio in it.  It was the best pistachio ice cream ive ever had.  Other than this, we werent as impressed with this place as the other places.

The last chateau we visited was Chambord.  I know what you are wondering and the answer is yes...they make the raspberry liquor, Chambord, there.  This is the biggest chateau in the Loire Valley.  this is not the greatest picture because they were setting up for a concert there.  The staircase is the most famous part of this castle.

It was designed by Leonardo da Vinci and is like a double helix.  It swirls all the way up the center of the chateau to the top and the two sides never meet, but come out on the same floors, just on opposite sides.  This place is very impressive because it is so huge, but we didnt have much time there before it was time to come back to Paris.

Tomorrow is our last day in Paris and mom and I are just going to bum around.  We will post again tomorrow.  miss yall

1 comment:

  1. great pictures and information. thanks for sharing since I have never been there or seen any of that cool stuff. I look forward to your next entry. Tell David and Colleen HI.
