Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 19 - Edinburgh to Dublin

We got up this morning with a plan.  We were going to find a small suitcase to bring on the plane with us, so we could make our suitcases lighter.  Well, we had to make a short detour to a convenience store, then, we walked to the suitcase place.  The lady at the first place we went to, didn’t know how to use an American credit card on her machine, so we went to this department store and bought a suitcase there.  Mom introduced me to the store Boots.  She says it is her favorite place in Europe.  I had to agree it’s pretty cool, a little like a cross between Ulta and Target. We weren’t ready to walk back to the hotel yet, so we kept walking further into town, me dragging the empty suitcase behind me.   We went into a few stores just browsing then I realized that I needed some books to read, so we found a bookstore.  They didn’t have the book I was looking for, so I decided to buy “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” and the 2 sequels, because I heard that they were good. 

We went back to the hotel and packed up our stuff and headed to the airport.  We got one last glimpse of Fetter’s College as we left.  We can’t help but think that we just got the hang of this town and we have to leave.  This was by far my favorite place that we visited and I definitely would like to come back to Scotland very soon.  

When we arrived to Dublin, our cab driver to the hotel pointed out places that the IRA bombed.  The cab driver who drove us to our dinner show told us that he drove Mel Gibson around for 3 months whilst they were filming braveheart here.  I think there might be a rivalry between scotland and ireland.  

Well we went to a dinner show and they called it an Irish House Party.  It consisted of a meal followed by performances by a musician, singer and dancer of authentic Irish folk music.  It was a lot of fun and they had sing a longs which made it that much better!!!  

We didnt really get a chance to take that many pictures and those that we did take were only at the Dinner we just came back from, so we decided that it wasnt all that important to post pictures tonight.  Plus the fact that we are exhausted.  We hope yall are doing well and we will post tomorrow with more exciting kissing the Blarney Stone!!

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