Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 22 - Dublin

Well, we were supposed to be on a plane right now headed for home, but we missed the flight.  So we are here for another night.  We decided to walk around the shopping area for a while but it was so crowded with tourists we could only take it for about 30 minutes.

We then walked to this area called Temple Bar, which is generally a tourist area, unless you know the bars to go to.  We went to this place called 'The Auld Dubliner' and we watched the Argentina-Germany football match and also a sport called Hurling.  The Irishmen around us helped us to understand Hurling and we really got into it.  It is sort of a mix between football and soccer and baseball and golf (how I see it anyways).  Mom and I stayed there for around 2 hours and I had a Guinness (which I have had a lot of since being here) and I tried another Irish beer, Murphy's Stout.  It is dark like Guinness, but sweeter and just as good.

We are going to dinner at this place that was recommended to us called The Bank then we are going to bed so we can stay awake as long as possible tomorrow.

On a side note:  Our cameras are packed and we don't want to unpack them, so no pictures today.

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