Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 3 - Paris

Well today was our last day in Paris.  I slept until 10 this morning and mom had to wake me up.  First we went to the Musee Pompidou, which is essentially a modern art museum.  It is not my favorite museum of all time.  As you can see the building itself is almost like a piece of art.  We saw some exhibits that piqued our interest and others that we weren't so fond of.  The Pompidou is in the area Les Halles, which is a huge shopping area.  It is really nice and if you ever want to go shopping, take the metro there.  

We only stayed for an hour or so then headed to lunch.  We went to the Marais to get some falafel, which is fried chick peas with different slaws, eggplant, and sauces in a pita pocket...and it's amazing!!!  (I forgot to take a picture of it before I ate it, but this is a picture of it when I was almost done).  I ran into my friend Emilie who I met studying abroad last year on the way to get lunch too!  Le Marais is the Jewish district in Paris.  Falafel is an eat-and-walk kind of food, so we walked around a little until we found a bench to sit at.  
We decided to walk to the Seine river and saw Notre Dame on the other side, so we walked over there.  It was further than we thought, so when we got there we sat down and played with our cameras.  We tried to take some artsy fartsy pictures while we relaxed.  We witnessed some policemen get mad at a bunch of beggars.  We sat and people watched for a while, along with a lot of other people. 

When we finally decided that it was time we moved again, we decided to walk down the Seine towards the Louvre so we could get some good pictures of the city before we left.  When we finally got to the Louvre, our feet and backs hurt so bad we had to sit again, which was about the time that it started raining.  (Here is my artsy pic of the Louvre).  We continued on our way to get a view of the Eiffel Tower so we walked to l'Orangerie, which is in the Tuileries and in front of Place de la Concorde.  

By this time, the weather really deteriorated and it was raining pretty hard.  We hurried with our pictures and got out of there as soon as we could.   We figured out that all the walking we did added up to about 8 miles, so it was decided that it was time for a drink.  We took the metro back to our stop for our hotel and relaxed for a while at the cafe on the corner and had some drinks. 
We are thankful that we have time to post this earlier than 11pm (our time) like we have the past two nights.  We are hoping that dad is off of work in time for dinner, but if not mom and I will just splurge :).  Tomorrow morning we are off to Beaune, which is in Eastern France and in the Wine needless to say we are excited about that!!  Hope everyone is well back home!  Until tomorrow...


  1. I'm glad y'all had fun. Your pictures are great. Love you guys!

  2. love it and Kate you are doing a great job keeping us all informed on your trip.
