Monday, July 5, 2010

To Sum It All Up...

23 Days
10 Cities
9 Countries
10 hotel rooms
22 Taxis
13 Trains
11 Tours
9 Buses
5 planes
1 bicycle
2 beds with no sheets
Many miles walked
1 missed flight...

After all that, not one lost item of consequence (I left my shampoo somewhere).  No incidents with crime.  We never got lost.  Most people in most of the places we visited were pretty nice, especially in Ireland.  There was beauty to be found in every place we visited.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 22 - Dublin

Well, we were supposed to be on a plane right now headed for home, but we missed the flight.  So we are here for another night.  We decided to walk around the shopping area for a while but it was so crowded with tourists we could only take it for about 30 minutes.

We then walked to this area called Temple Bar, which is generally a tourist area, unless you know the bars to go to.  We went to this place called 'The Auld Dubliner' and we watched the Argentina-Germany football match and also a sport called Hurling.  The Irishmen around us helped us to understand Hurling and we really got into it.  It is sort of a mix between football and soccer and baseball and golf (how I see it anyways).  Mom and I stayed there for around 2 hours and I had a Guinness (which I have had a lot of since being here) and I tried another Irish beer, Murphy's Stout.  It is dark like Guinness, but sweeter and just as good.

We are going to dinner at this place that was recommended to us called The Bank then we are going to bed so we can stay awake as long as possible tomorrow.

On a side note:  Our cameras are packed and we don't want to unpack them, so no pictures today.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 21 - Gotta Love Guinness!

Originally, our plan for today was to take one of those tourist "hop on/hop off" buses around Dublin to see the city, but Kate decided she would rather walk, because nothing we wanted to see was too far away. 

So we crossed the street to Trinity College and arrived just as they were opening the doors to the "Book of Kells" exhibit. First, I want to say the campus is so cool, not very big, and it has some really old buildings. The school was established in 1592.  

The exhibit of the Book of Kells (which dates back to the 9th century) was very good with enlarged photos of the illustrations and text from the actual book (since it is a glass case).  For more information, check out this link:  The school has had this book in their possession since the 1600s.  Upon leaving the exhibit, the visitor is led to their library of old books. This library is absolutely beautiful and brought to mind the library at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter movies.

Then we proceeded a little further to Grafton Street which is a pedestrian mall. We walked past all the stores down to the end of the area to St. Stephen's Green where there is an indoor mall. 

We left the mall and just started strolling around, turning down one pedestrian mall after another and...lo and behold in front of us we saw the Louis Vuitton store. I am convinced I could find that store in any city without looking for it ;-).  There was also an Hermes store and a Chanel store. We didn't bother entering any of those though. 

We got a bit of lunch and set out for the Guinness brewery.  That walk was a little longer than we thought, but once we were on our way, we decided to stick it out. It's a good tour, but of course what everyone looks forward to, is the end when your ticket stub allows you a free pint of Guinness in the circular bar at the top, which looks out over the city. (the picture is of Guinness settling before he tops it off)

We then walked back to the hotel to let our feet rest up for the pub crawl.

This was billed as a Musical Pub Crawl. Two musicians took us to two pubs where they entertained us with Irish folk music. They explained a lot of the customs of Irish singing and songwriting. This was different from the other night in that these musicians only sing traditional folk songs. It was excellent and I would definitely recommend it. 

Tomorrow we fly home. We are both looking forward to being back in the USA.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 20 - Blarney

We are so tired. This will be succinct. 

We took "Railtours Ireland" tour to Cork, Blarney Castle, and Cobh.  The train trip to Cork took about 3 hours.   I recommend this tour company if you ever come here. They do tours all over Ireland.  Blarney Castle is the second most popular tourist spot in Ireland.   

We walked up 123 steps of Blarney Castle and kissed the Blarney Stone. Including standing in line and walking back down, about 1 hour total.  We were then given time to have lunch and shop.   

Then we rode in a bus through the town of Cork, which looks like a pretty cool place to hang put for a few days (second largest city in the Irish Republic).  

We then proceeded to the town of Cobh (formerly Queenstown), which has the distinction of being linked to two shipping disasters. It was the last port of call for the Titanic before it sail for New York in 1912, and the Lusitania was sunk by a torpedo just outside the harbor (in 300 feet of water) in 1915. A cemetery there has three mass graves with the bodies of victims, many of them American.  There is an interesting shipping exhibit right next to the train station, where we boarded our train to return to Dublin. 

This tour took an entire day (left at 7 am, returned at 8:25 pm) and totally worth it. 

Actually rode the trolly (Kate calls it a tram) back to the hotel and had a quiet dinner so we could do this blog and post our pictures. 

David and Sarah, I hope we can all get the same vacation some time in the future and return to Ireland and spend more time. 

Love to everyone back home.